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*Akbar Kurniawan (H1G112211) Akbar Kurniawan (H1G112211)*

AKBAR - Sebagainmana kita ketahui bahwa yang namanya bahasa adalah alat komunikasi. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba menuliskan rumus grammar yang paling dasar sebagaimana yang telah saya pelajari ketika SMA di English Student Club.

Akan tetapi sebelum itu saya akan mengingatkan bahwa belajar bahasa inggris tidak akan lancar atau mahir tanpa dilatih secara terus menerus. Dulu saya belajar bahasa jerman dan selama saya belajar dan melatihnya berbicara dengan teman kita maka semakin lama kemampuan berbahasa saya meningkat. Tapi sekarang, karena jarang saya gunakan bahasa saya menjadi kaku.

Kira-kira begitulah dengan belajar bahasa asing lainnya pun. Jadi saya tidak menjamin anda dapat mahir dengan rumus ini tanpa berlatih secara taerus menerus.

Oke dech .. langsung saja kepada rumus-rumusnya. Sementara ini yang akan saya bahas mengenai present perfect dan past tense

Present Perfect

1. Present Tense

(I / You / We / They + VI)

Ronaldo Practise’s Foot ball at the field diligently every sunday

2. Present Continous Tense

(I / You / we / they + To be + VI (Ing)

Ronaldo is Practising Foot ball at the field diligently Right now

3. Present Perfect Tense

(I / You / we / They + Have + VIII)- (He / She / it / + Has + VIII)

Ronaldo has Practised Foot ball at the field diligently this week

4. Present Perfect Continous Tense

(I / You / we / they + Have + Been + VI + Ing)

( He / She / it / + Has + Been + VI + Ing)

Ronaldo has been Practising Foot ball at the field diligently for holiday

5. Present Future Tense

(I / We + Shall + VI ) – ( You / They / She / it + Will + VI )

Ronaldo will Practise’s Foot ball at the field diligently tomorrow

6. Present Future Continous Tense

( I / We + Shall + Be + VI + Ing )

( You /They / He / She / it + Will + Be VI + Ing )

Ronaldo will be Practising Foot ball at the field diligently at this time tomorrow

7. Present Future Perfect Tense

(I / We + Shall + Have + VIII )

( You / They / She / it + Will + Have + VIII)

Ronaldo will have Practised Foot ball at the field diligently by next sunday

8. Present Perfect Continous Tense

(I / We + Shall + Have been + VI + Ing )

( You / They / He / She / it + Will + Have been + VI + Ing )

Ronaldo will have been Practising Foot ball at the field diligently by next February

Past Tense

9. Past Tense

(I / You / We / They / He / She / it + VII)

Ronaldo Practised Foot ball at the field diligently yesterday

10. Past Continous Tense

(I / He / She / it + was + VI + Ing )

Ronaldo was Practising Foot ball at the field diligently the wholeday last sunday

11. Past Perfect Tense

(I / You / They/ we / he / She / it + had + VIII )

Ronaldo had Practised Foot ball at the field diligently when you arrived

12. Past Perfect Continous Tense

(I / You / they/ we / he / she / it + Had + Been + VI + Ing)

Ronaldo had been Practising Foot ball at the field diligently when I came from field

13. Past Future Tense

(I / We + Should + VI ) – ( You / They / He / She / it + Would + VI )

Ronaldo would Practise’s Foot ball at the field diligently two day’s ago

14. Past Future Continous Tense

( I / We + Should + Be + VI + Ing )

( You /They / He / She / it + Would + Be + VI + Ing )

Ronaldo would be Practising Foot ball at the field diligently at this time the following day

15. Past Future Perfect Tense

(I / We + Should + Have + VIII )

( You / They / He / She / it + Have + VIII)

Ronaldo would have Practised Foot ball at the field diligently by if holiday

16. Past Future Perfect Continous Tense

(I / We + Should + Have + been + VI + Ing )

( You / They / He / She / it + Would + Have + been + VI + Ing )

Ronaldo would have been Practising Foot ball at the field diligently for six day’s by the end of this month

Tips saya untuk berlatihnya yaitu :

-Bicara dengan berbahasa Inggris dengan teman (mengobrol)

-Mendengarkan lagu-lagu yang berbahasa Inggris (untuk melatih pelafalan)

-Menonton film-film yang berbahasa Inggris tanpa diganti subtitlenya ke bahasa kita.

-Coba anda berbicara dengan orang Inggris/ Amerika secara langsung (Jika anda datang ke tempat pariwisata yang banyak dikunjungi turis asing)

Saya tips saya tidak memerlukan biaya mahal, hanya kemauan saja. Selamat Belajar !
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.
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Ditulis oleh: Anak ipa 3 - 7/20/2010

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